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Domestic Assault
There are two sides to every assault charge. We take yours!
Common Assault | Weapons | Bodily Harm | Aggravated |
Sexual | Domestic | Threats | Mischief | Success Stories |
Victim Affidavits | Immigration Consequences |
Employment Consequences | Ontario Locations We Serve
Nothing Succeeds Like Success
Check Out One of Our Recent Wins
Case: R. v. P.N.*
Charge: Domestic Assault
Result: All Criminal Charges Withdrawn
“"I’m so grateful for you and your team. To hear those words, ‘CRIMINAL CHARGES WITHDRAWN’, wow! Nothing feels better than that. This was the best-case scenario; I couldn’t ask for more. I’m very happy and impressed with your knowledge and experience. From the first moment I spoke with you on the phone, I knew you were the lawyer for me. Now my family is back together. My children can see their father again. I’m very relieved. I’m so grateful for you and I am very happy with how it turned out, thank you!"" - P.N.
* Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and may vary according to the facts in individual cases.
Domestic Assault
Domestic assault is an assault that takes place between two people who are currently or were formerly dating, married or common law. An experienced domestic assault lawyer, we will be able to help you get through the challenges of being involved in a domestic disturbance, especially when children are involved.
If you’ve been charged with domestic assault, you may be held for bail. Calling in an experienced domestic assault lawyer to represent you at a bail hearing on short notice can often reduce the strict release conditions associated with domestic assault charges.
Penalties for a Domestic Assault Conviction
Domestic assaults are taken more seriously than other forms of assault. It’s more difficult for someone to escape a criminal conviction from a domestic assault charge than other types of assault.
Prosecutors are reluctant to drop Domestic Assault charges. When sentencing a person for an offence in a domestic assault case, the law requires the courts to consider the domestic setting, and determine whether that may have made the offence worse.
If you are found guilty of a domestic assault you can be sentenced to up to five years in jail. In addition, you face the possibility of fines, probation, mandatory counseling or other remedial programs, and other restrictions associated with having a criminal record, such as firearm bans, employment challenges, and international travel restrictions.
On the human side, your family may be torn asunder by a Domestic Assault charge. You may lose access to your children (and your children will lose access to their beloved parent) for a long time.
If you’ve been charged with Domestic Assault, your best defence begins the moment you retain an experienced Domestic Assault lawyer to represent you.
Speak to an experienced Assault Lawyer
for FREE right now. Call 1-888-341-5889 24/7
Our Proprietary Approach to Sexual Assault
Domestic Assault charges are very serious. They can have significant consequences on your reputation, your freedom, your liberty, your employment opportunities, your relationship with your family, and your ability to travel internationally.
There are two sides to every assault charge. You need a lawyer who takes your side, believes in you and will fight to resolve your assault charge in a manner most favorable to you. As criminal assault lawyers, we appear in court for you, speak with the Crown Prosecutors on your behalf, resolve your charges, or take them to trial.
Speak to an experienced Assault Lawyer
for FREE right now. Call 1-888-341-5889 24/7
We humanize you in the eyes of the Crown Prosecutor
When a Crown Prosecutor receives your case from the police all they see is your name, a case number, your charge(s), and the details of your alleged crime. That’s it.
Our proprietary approach in dealing with the Crown Prosecutors on your behalf is to expand their vision of you. To help them see you as a ‘person’ — a father, son, brother, mother, daughter, sister and so on. We ensure they are aware of hardships you’ve endured in life, your goals, your ambitions. We want them to understand the life pressures on you that may have been a factor when the alleged assault occurred. And through proposed diversion programs, we want them to understand how you are dealing with this situation in a way that is most favorable to ensure it never happens again.
Having ‘humanized’ you in the eyes of the Crown Prosecutor, the next step is to negotiate to have your assault charges reduced, dropped completely, or withdrawn as a result of proposed diversion programs, and resolved with small fines, community service, or a peace bond.
However, if we have to go to court to fight for you, we will aggressively defend you, fight for your rights, and strive to have all charges against you withdrawn.
Facing an Assault Charge?
Speak to an Experience Assault Lawyer Now
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